5 weeks in heaven - a tour through Australia

You're the lucky person who can afford to spend his next holiday down under? Than you might be interested in what some other stupid tourist liked there (hmm, about all, so lets say - what i liked most).

I did the journey through Australia together with two friends, because we wanted to stay somewhere special on the switch to Y2k. Unfortunately, we could only do a 5 week trip - if this sounds like a long time to you, belief me it ain't.

Stations on our travel where Darwin with it's Jungle, Alice Springs the desert town with the real big rocks, Tasmania the most beautiful part of Australia, Sydney of which you've probably already heard, last stop being the divers paradise of Cairns. I'm sure there are more great towns in this country and whenever i get the chance to be there i'll gonna visit them, but currently that's about all i've seen there...

Map of Australia

Click on the cities of the map to get to my travel experiences.
