
First thing after landing an european will notice here, is the tropic clima which makes hell look like a very cool place to stay.

Drop your imported food and animals in a container at the airport, mmh - poor animals.

Checking out is easy... 15 minutes and we were sitting in a taxi. No visa accepted in the taxi... ups... fortunately one of my friends got a mastercard.

Darwin is surrounded by forests and you probabily wouldn't like to walk to the next town - it's more than 1500 kilometres to go. We had three days to spend here, so we decided to do some trips around the area.

First day... Jumping crocodile jumping crocodiles are nice... mosquitos are ugly.

Termites... what do they try to compensate with this buildings? Termites

Second day... A day-tour through Darwin. Interesting and relaxing... not so bad when the sweat is running down your body.
What i liked most was the coral exhibition at the museum.

Third day... Kakadoo ... wow ... one day is just not enough for this park.
Important: You're lost here when you didn't buy some anti-fly-spray... i guess they are eating tourists for breakfast.
Aborigines art Let's start with the aboriginal paintings. This is Nabulwinjbulwinj (pronounced: Nar-bull-win-bull-win). He is a dangerous spirit who eats females after striking them with a yam (a fruit).

The next images will show you a little bit of the landscape around here... it's even better in real life. Nice landscape Nice river Nice swamp

There's been a lot more to see... for example it's worth flying around with a plane there... unfortunately our time was running out...

... next stop Alice Springs

Back to the Australia map.